Wednesday 20 July 2011

Blog Schedule...

Been reading about blog schedules... ways to ensure you are regularly blogging.... I am a little nervous about my ability to keep to one but here goes:

4 posts per week as follows:

Motivational Monday: A quote or idea that motivates me, a website or something that starts my week with intention.

Tecniques on Tuesday: Basically I have started a Craft Circle, a group of women that get together and do various crafts together, teach each other what they know and so on, so I figure thats a good day for me to post about something crafty too.

Thoughts on Thursday: A day where I share an opinion I have, any tips I use etc etc... or just blurt out all my thoughts and feelings into the computer for all to see!!!

Friday Funday: I will try and make these posts amusing, or share something fun for the weekend.

What do you all think??? Sound interesting? I will also post at any other time I feel like it, but these posts will occur every week from now on.

So to start, Thoughts on Thursday.

This week I have been thinking about a local high school that is placing Ipads on their stationary list for next year. I think this is ridiculous. I feel sorry for anyone with more than one kid at that school. I feel sorry for anyone with ANY kids at that High School. And I feel glad that I had never intended on sending my kids to that high school.

I mean, and Ipad? Are you effing serious? "its just like all the kids need a calculator" WHAT??? ARE YOU SERIOUS??????????

A scientific calculator is about 30 bucks and I am sure several families struggle to even provide that for their kids, on top of the uniform, the other stationary let alone a bloody IPAD??????

Its approximately $700-$1300 dollars apparently.

But cost aside, how many kids will now be secretly messaging each other through their Ipads during class? Much less detectable than note passing and even texting since they will already be "working" on their Ipads... are they going to somehow ban that? I would love to know how. And internet access, how many boys will be sitting in the back of the class watch porn or similar on their bloody Ipad.... christ cant you put music and movies on these things? Lets watch a movie instead of do any work. How much more disruptive to class will this really be?

I get the whole idea that this will supposedly cut down on paper and books etc. But does it have to be compulsory? Why can't they release a book list and say "if you wish your student may have an Ipad instead" how many solo mums and lesser income families will be simply unable to afford this, and doesnt that open up lines for FURTHER bullying??? Do we want out kids to be teased cos their family cant afford the ipad? FAAAARRRRK this makes me seethe.

I wonder how many students this school will have next year. I wonder how many families will simply send their kids to a different school. I think I would be very very tempted.

I worry that this will in fact become the norm through high schools across New Zealand, and in 8 years, we will have 3 children attending high school, and will we be expected to provide them all with an Ipad. And kids, being kids, will probably not respect these extremely expensive items and we may have to replace them on a annual or bi-annual basis??? I have no idea how we are expected to pay for 3 ipads on a regular basis. I would actually like us to purchase a house soon.... mortgage payments are a wee bit more than rent, then add all the other costs of being the home owner and now I am adding massive extra schooling costs? I am not sure we will be able to afford that. And to be quite honest I really do not want to have to afford it, I can think of many other things I would rather spend that money on. Like a bloody university education for my kids!!!

What a ridiculous idea.

xx The Ramblings of Another Mother

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