Thursday 21 April 2011

Things and stuff (working title)

So today has been a long and hard day.

It started fairly well, with the usual morning stuff. Paige had stayed at her Maternal Grandmothers last night and was due back "early" which turned out to be 9:30! I needed to go grocery shopping, and if I had thought about it I would have picked her up on my way past. But I didn't think about it.

So come 9:25 I getting kinda edgy, since I had said I would take care of a friends son this afternoon and I wanted to go to the nearest Pak'n'Save for my grocery shopping, which was a 25 minute drive each way. I also wanted to be home on time for the twins to take their nap. This was to be a fairly hard shopping outing as it was because we didn't have as much budget as usual and I had to shop both for Easter and the twins birthday party which is this weekend. As well as the usual grocery's! ACK

Thankfully Paige showed up 5 min's later and I threw the kids in the car and off we drove, thank goodness we had a stop to make partway where I realised I had left my wallet behind. 15 minutes back home, and by now (10:30) I knew I had no hope of getting to the pak'n'save and back by lunch time. So to the local (and more expensive) supermarket we went.

I had been texting my friend (who's son I was having) and thankfully she was running fairly late too. And also happened to be heading to the local shopping centre, where there was a free crafts expo for kids available while parents shopped. Ahh lovely. Dropped Paige in there, much more fun than following mum around while she shopped! Me and the twins did the grocery's.

Interesting how fate deals us a good hand. There were a lot of perfect specials available and I partook of them all. Managed to get (almost) everything we needed for the week and the twins party within budget. I met up with my friend and we had a nice chat (and the kids got their free ice creams and we got our free coffees provided by the craft expo) then it was time to go home. I took the lad, since they were there, and then had the clever idea that I would clean out the pantry.

YUCK I don't remember when I last cleaned it out... but it was some time ago. And of course RIGHT down in the bottom under all the rubble were some liquidised kumera that somehow got missed during one of my quick clean outs. So I had a nice smelly gooey mess to peel off the bottom of the pantry, then a puddle of slick tar to scrub off. Joyful. And to top that off, a pair of ladies whom drop in from time to time to have a yarn and see how I'm doing showed up!!! ARGH I raced out to head them off at the pass, NO ONE was coming into my house at that moment!!!!!

So an hour later, and having used vinegar, teatree oil, jif, dishwashing liquid, and disinfectant, the pantry is looking a lot better, the friend has been and gone to collect the extra, and I begin the rest of the kitchen. The ladies re-appear! (as according to the arrangement that they would give me an hour to feel ready to receive visitors) and the lovely things took over and did my dishes.

So I felt the day ended rather well, an up and down sort of day. With everything kind of falling into place. Interesting how that happens sometimes eh?

xx The Ramblings of Another Mother

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