Sunday 17 April 2011

So that was dumb.

This morning I decided to try the twins on Weetbix, they normally have toast and a banana, but they have been not really eating it lately so I thought I should try something new, and they eat yoghurt pretty well. Paiges usual breakfast is weetbix so the idea came to me and I thought, why not?

I'll tell you why not:

One of my pet hates as a mother is sitting there feeding kids food, staring at them chew away holding a bowl of mush and a baby spoon waiting for the next moment to shove it in their mouths is possibly one of the most boring things on the planet. I have, in the past, sung songs, played the choo choo train game or the nweeeeehm airplane game. Its ALL boring. My kids all get moved onto finger foods as quickly as possible, and usually I prefer to clean up the mess after that and let them learn by practise how to feed themselves rather than bore myself to tears sitting there feeding them.

I am (unfortunately) a smoker, so my usual practice in the mornings is to provide my kids with a meal, make myself a coffee and pop outside to read my book, today was no exception. This is a very nice start to my day, usually. The downside being I have no idea whats going on inside...

Today I come in, there is soggy weetbix scattered on the wall, floor and carpet, two bowls covered inside and out with soggy weetbix are upturned, one on the carpet and one on the floor. The twins both have weetbix in their hair, covering their hands and faces, and all over the front of their pajamas and their sleeves, and all over the highchair trays which they are pushing around with their hands. Laughing.

I must admit I used a curse word at this moment.

Usually in this situation I would throw them in the bath, however we were due to take them to kindy in 10 minutes, so no time for that. I stood staring at them mentally scanning trouble shooting ideas (all the while the twins continue to laugh and play with the soggy weetbix, and Paige helpfully pipes up "they are messy, mum"... thanks dear, I hadn't noticed.)

There was nothing for it, I had to dive in, I turned on the hot tap, soaked a teatowel in it, added a tiny bit of soap and mixed it in as best I could then undressed the girls in their highchairs. I washed them down, then dressed them and, ignoring the rest of the mess, threw all three kids in the car and off we went.

One of the downsides to working from home (and having your office in your open-plan living/dining/kitchen room) is that you don't have blinkers. It is very difficult to sit there, with a messy house staring at you and ignoring it and getting on with your WORK work. I find it at times impossible to focus in that situation and often all I can do is get the other stuff done and sit back down. But I have only got "school" hours 3 days a week to do my business work in, and it is a fairly busy business. Today I am trying to ignore the horrible mess my children made this morning (although I have thrown the clothes in the washer) but I fear it is a losing battle...

And the conclusion? The twins will be back to toast and a banana tomorrow...

xx The Ramblings on Another Mother.

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