Sunday 4 September 2011

The Midnight Horrors

So I managed to get a nice early night last night... A very nice one, I was asleep by ten.

My mate murphy (s law) knocked on the door by midnight in the form of a yelling child... it took me a minute to figure out that thats what had woken me up as she was being very quiet about it and at first I thought it was the cat mewling somewhere. But it shortly grew insistent and loud and I knew it was a child.

So I stumble through to their room, and see that one of them is standing up in her cot, she grins at me, and then I realise that its actually the other one moaning....

So I go rub her back, and give her back her dummy (which is right in front of her face) and she goes quiet. Then the other one looks at me expectantly and holds up her arms "Duddle?"

I don't bloody think so, its definitely on of those moments that is "Can I please get up and play?" HAHA you're really funny child not at midnight, or any time after 7 o clock thank you!!

So I lay her down and tell her to go to sleep.

Back in bed and all is quiet. Ahhh that worked, thats surprising. I JUST  feel comfy and warm and sleepy again when there is an insistant howl from their bedroom....

Sigh. Ignore it. It goes on, and gets louder. and louder. Shes gunna wake her bloody sister up! SO up and down the hall into their room.

The same one is still upright and staring at me, and again, the other one is moaning!!! I give her another pat on the back, she does still have her dummy. I tuck her in a little tighter and snugger, and turn to the cheeky rascal.

She grins, holds up her hands and says "Duddle?"

Uh, no. I lay her down, and hand her her stuffed bunny, "goodnight darling, its sleepy time"

Back to bed, nice and comfy, starting to drift off to sleep, and "Nummy!!! NUMMY!!!"

Argh (enter rude word of choice).

Back down the hall, the sleeper is still asleep, the cheeky rascal is staring at her dummy on the floor (barely visible in the half nightlight light) and calling it. As if that will make it come. Which it will, cos mummy will get up and get it wont she?

Its almost time for the dummy fairy to take them away I think.

Hand her back dummy, and I think she has the message clear now, because she lays herself down and starts trying to tuck herself in, I give her a hand and then go back to bed.

That's the end of being called in by toddlers for the night, but do you think I can get back to sleep now?

So today I am very tired. Oh well, that's really not unusual!

xx The Ramblings of Another Mother

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