Monday 20 June 2011

Who are you and what have you done with my mother?

Have you seen that add? It cracks me up. And I have recently felt a little like that about myself (which is scary and exciting at the same time.)

First we gave up smoking, one month ago tomorrow. (Taking bow.) Then I morphed (almost overnight) into an exercise junkie, and then I started feeling motivated about all sorts of things.

Granted some of these things are just not happening (like baking every Tuesday for Paige's lunch.... which I should be doing RIGHT now) and some of them are plain outrageous expectations on myself (like working for the twins entire naps on my days off) haha, yeah right. Not if it can wait till next work day. Which it almost always can. And if it can't then yeah ok, I do it.

But then again some of these things have been hugely beneficial to me.

Like I can now go on a fairly extensive and intensive walk and not feel like I am about die. Which feels very good. Especially after the first time when I walked with the twins up the hill and was panting so heavily that they thought I was entertaining them and turned around in their pram to laugh their brains out at me.

One of the less good things would be that my head is so so full of crap that I can't get rid of it to get to sleep. So I am getting quite tired. I want to do something like write about it in a journal or SOMETHING but I suck bottom at keeping to these things.

Today a wonderful woman on facebook told me about Kiwi Mummy Blogs and through that I have found a blog called which is a beautiful blog and is very similar in content to what I am trying to achieve. But most of all, it has new blogger tips.

Now I must admit one of these tips is so blindingly obvious that I actually laugh at myself. Can you guess what it might be? Google it. Thats right, it had NOT occurred to me to google ideas on improving my blog! I blame Nappy Brain.

As an aside, here is the pattern of brain freeze I have noted women follow:

I'm Pregnant: Preggy-brain
I'm a new mother: Nappy Brain
My kids have left home: Senior Moments.

Anyways. So now I am full of tips and advice and well meaning posts from OTHER bloggers and am feeling all motivated AGAIN to make my blog PURDY!!!

Watch my blog go BLITZ!!!! Stay Tuned

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Thanks for leaving a comment on my letter to myself. Go for it! you should totally write one :)
    Welcome to the kiwi mummy bloggy community there are some amazing women out and about there. Good work on the exercise and quitting smoking (argh been there many moons ago now, I know your pain).
