Wednesday 22 June 2011

Dear Pimple

Why did you have to appear on my LIP I mean seriously, my LIP its one of the most conspicuous places on my body and it hurts like fricken hell. But the pain I can take, I have had 3 children. two at the same time and the pain is nothing. Its the conspicuosness that is pissing me off! I have to GO OUT OF MY HOUSE today, I have to go grocery shopping and LOOK at people and let them look at me. And there is a pimple on my LIP my lip feels so fat and gross and of course I feel like the whole world is staring at it.

There are so many places on my body you could have appeared, so why my lip? My LIP?? Seriously.

I am very mad at you Pimple.

The Ramblings of Another Mother.

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