Friday 7 October 2011

Dern it!

So my lovely daughter cleaned her room up, and I told her she could vacuum it too if she wanted. So she proceeded to vacuum EVERY LITTLE THING up off her floor, and every big thing. Consequently it got blocked, but being young, and untrained in the ways of vacuums she continued to vacuum and after awhile the thing gave up and stopped working.

Oh crap. The things broken we said. Damn. We will have to buy a new vacuum we said.

Then I started looking at vacuums online. So many vacuums! So many choices!! I love this one:

Its ONLY a grands worth of fantastic machine.... OMG FANTASTIC MACHINE!!

Oh the cleanliness! Oh the beauty! Oh how I want it... Wet and dry greatness. Deep cleaning splendour. 

Dear Hubby laughed his bum off though.... I don't blame him... I mean a thousand dollars on a vacuum cleaner?? 

When I win lotto godfreys will be my first stop...

In the meantime we decided to settle for something a little more sensibly priced such as this:

Then my husband walks past the dead vacuum and flicks the switch. And it whirs to life. 

Crap! I was looking forward to my new vacuum cleaner.

xx The Ramblings of Another Mother

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